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Fruiting Bodies - Women’s Plant Meds Meet Up - August 2023

graphic image of floating beige and brown mushrooms as the boarder with a glow in the middle with a silhouette of a woman surrounded by herbs and nature

Hello! Its Pam from Peer Education Community Center and a handful of other organizations and groups. My passions vary but have common threads in education and community. I truly believe in shared and sharing knowledge to help each other make more informed decisions.

Six years ago, I organized accessible cannabis education for the community at large. This effort included a monthly meetup for women. It was a space where women could gather and discuss cannabis use, ask questions, and have access to cannabis experts. For the time, it was successful. The biggest challenge was not having consumption during meetings. The general material was a little stigmatic, so after a year and the beginning of the pandemic, I ended it. 

Fast forward, after successful neighborhood presentations, community education, and leading cannabis curriculum and lesson plans with several cannabis professionals, owners, and workforce that led to lower cannabis stigma, the gaps in community education once again calls for safe spaces – third spaces – to gather and discuss - -and swap knowledge. 

The first gathering of Fruiting Bodies was in August of 2023. It is co-hosted by Nichole East at Culture Mushroom in Downtown Long Beach, CA

To get the group primed up, we talked about the endocannabinoid system.

Flyer explaining the endocannabinoid system

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